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1. hajj.gov.bd – hajj gov bd 2024
বার্তা · শেখ হাসিনা · মোঃ ফরিদুল হক খান এম.পি. · মুঃ আঃ হামিদ জমাদ্দার.
Visit Site2. ই-হজ পোর্টাল – hajj gov bd
এডভান্স ট্রাভেল প্ল্যানার লিমিটেড (ওমরাহ লাইসেন্স নং- ২০৬) এর ওমরাহ
Visit Site3. Bangladesh ehaj Portal| Home – hajj.gov.bd
Sign Up Process · User Name · Designation · NID (if any …
Visit Site4. অভিযোগ ফর্ম – hajj gov bd
hajj.gov.bd. ব্যবস্থাপনায় Logo. কারিগরি সহযোগিতায় Logo.
Visit Site5. সর্বশেষ-তথ্য-সম্বলিত-হজ-বুলেটিন
এপিএ ২০২২-২৩ নমুনা প্রমাণক। ধর্মীয় ও নৈতিকতার বাণী. বিভিন্ন ধর্মের ধর্মীয় ও নৈতিকতার বাণী. তথ্য বাতায়ন হালনাগাদ. তথ্য বাতায়ন …
Visit Site6. হজ অফিস, ঢাকা
ই-সেবা · হজের প্রাক-নিবন্ধন আবেদন · প্রাক-নিবন্ধন রিফান্ড আবেদন (সরকারি ব্যবস্থাপনা) · হজের নিবন্ধন রিফান্ড আবেদন · হজযাত্রী …
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7. Pre-registration 2024
Pre-registration system
The pre-registration system for Hajj pilgrims has been introduced to coordinate with the Saudi e-Hajj system. On behalf of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Business Automation Ltd. is assisting with information technology in pre-registration activities. Any technical changes/additions to the system will be notified on the Hajj website with a notice.
The Hajj agencies have to sign up for the pre-registration system using the email submitted to the Hajj Office for their licenses, and multiple licenses cannot be used using one email. Since the user and database of the training server are not related to the user and database of the main server, the user has to be taken separately for the main server. All of you need advice and cooperation for the success of the pre-registration system.
1. Your (registrar) password is highly confidential. Use passwords confidentially and do not disclose information to anyone including IT helpdesk.
2. Before starting pre-registration, read the detailed information given on the website of Hajj. If you have any questions about this, you can call the helpline (09602706).
Visit Site8. How to search Hajj pilgrims on Hajj website
How to search Hajj pilgrims on Hajj website (www.hajj.gov.bd)
The method of searching for Hajj pilgrims is given below in the attached form for the kind information of all. Download Hajj pilgrimage search method.
9. Hajj Agency News
অক্টোবর ২০২১ মাসে সরকারি ব্যবস্থাপনাধীন হজেগমনেচ্ছু প্রাক-নিবন্ধন বাতিলকারী ব্যক্তিগণের জমাকৃত অর্থ পরিশোধকরণ।
Visit Site10. Hajj News and Info
আল-গানি ট্রাভেলস ইন্টারন্যাশনাল (হজ লাইসেন্স নং-০৬৪৪)-এর অফিস ঠিকানা পরিবর্তনের অনুমতি প্রদান।
Visit Site11. Pilgrim News
The first step to go for Hajj is pre-registration:
A pre-registration system has been introduced for Hajj pilgrims to coordinate with the Saudi e-Hajj system. Complete the first step of pre-registration by yourself or through a valid Hajj agency approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, deposit the money in the bank along with the payment voucher and collect your pre-registration certificate. The registration of pilgrims will be completed every year in accordance with the quota set by the agreement with the Saudi government in accordance with the provisions of the national Hajj and Umrah policy. If you need to know any information related to pre-registration, you can contact us on 09602706.
All you need to pre-register is:
National Identity Card, (Those below 18 years of age, in case they do not have National Identity Card, can pre-register with the parent with birth registration certificate).
Mobile number (where to receive SMS)
30,000 (thirty thousand rupees) for government management, 30,752 (thirty thousand seven hundred and fifty) rupees for private management.
Where to pre-register:
- At the Union Information Service Center
- Deputy Commissioner’s Office
- Office of the Islamic Foundation
- Legitimate Hajj Agency approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs
- Director, Hajj Office, Ashkona, Dhaka
- Pilgrims themselves or their representatives can pre-register from any of these places.
Step-by-step pre-registration:
In the first step of pre-registration, information from National Identity Card database (name, father’s name, mother’s name, occupation, date of birth, permanent address, female / male, marital status) will be verified automatically.
Information regarding whether the pilgrim is willing to go for Hajj under public or private management.
In order to deposit money in the bank, one has to deposit Taka. 30,000 (thirty thousand Taka) for government management and Rs.
(Note: If you do not deposit the required amount, you will need to re-register.)
Hajj pre-registration certificate will be issued by the bank after payment of bank money. (Pre-registration certificate will contain national identity card information, pre-registration number, passport information, bank deposit details) At the same time pre-registration will be confirmed by sending SMS to the mobile number of the pilgrim.
In the light of the national Hajj policy, if the pre-registration number is selected for Hajj this year, SMS will be given on the mobile of the pilgrim.
If selected for Hajj, after receiving SMS on the mobile of the pilgrim (registration process will start). Pilgrim ID (PID) will be generated if the Hajj Office / concerned Hajj Agency confirms the full payment of the package by accepting the application of Hajj passengers online from the Hajj Office / concerned agency pre-registration information repository within the stipulated time. If full payment is made, PID will be confirmed by sending SMS to the mobile number of the pilgrim. Pilgrim ID is essential for Hajj.
The pre-changeable pre-registration number (serial) given to the pilgrim is not changeable in any way. So the first step to go for Hajj is to pre-register.
The information obtained in the pre-registration will be verified by the special branch of the police.
If you want to cancel pre-registration
If you do not go for Hajj by pre-registering, you will get back the rest of the money by deducting the service charge of Tk 2,000 and the processing fee of Tk 3,000 from the deposit deposited in advance.
Those under 18 years of age
Those under the age of 18 who do not have a national identity card can pre-register with a parent with a birth registration certificate. And will be verified through a special branch of the police.
12. Notices 2024
Visit Site13. hajj bd – Bangladesh Hajj: Umrah : Travel Information
Visit Site14. Pre-registration Platform
15. hajj.gov.bd ▷ Home — Bangladesh Hajj Management Portal
16. হজ্জ ব্যবস্থাপনা পোর্টাল- গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ সরকার
http://www.hajj.gov.bd/. +880 1719-203396. Government Organization. See All. Related Pages. 5. স্থানীয় সরকার ও পল্লী উন্নয়ন …
Visit Site17. Hajj.gov.bd: Home — Bangladesh Hajj Management Portal
Hajj.gov.bd: visit the most interesting Hajj pages, well-liked by male users from Bangladesh, or check the rest of hajj.gov.bd data below.
Visit Site18. ধর্ম বিষয়ক মন্ত্রণালয়-গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ সরকার
- আপীল শুনানীর নোটিশ (১৪ নভেম্বর ২০২৩)। (নতুন)
- মারুফ ট্রাভেলস ( ওমরাহ লাইসেন্স নং-২১৬) এর ওমরাহ লাইসেন্স বাতিলকরণ (নতুন)
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